11. When parking downhill on a street with a curb on your right, your car wheels should be:
28. You are considered by Law to the under the influence when the amount of alcohol in your blood or BAC has reached:
13. To maintain a proper following distance when driving, you should stay at least:
A: Double
A: Coming to a full stop and checking traffic.
12. When driving at night be sure that you can stop:
24. If you are involved in a motor accident resulting in injuries while your driving privileges are suspended, you are subject to:
26. A person who holds a probationary driver’s license is subject to:
A: turned towards the curb.
3. A green light means:
A: Test your brake.
1. An Agricultural license allows the operation of:
31. In the event of a crash of shoulder step the use of seat belts may:
30. If you drink and have reached a BAC of 0.05% the risk if you causing a motor vehicle accident is:
22. You must pass on the right when:
14. The best way to make a curve is:
A: Keep you from being thrown from the car翻譯社 keep you from hitting the windshield of dashboard, keep you from sliding off the seat and losing control of the car. (The answer is “above all is right”)
23. The 2-second rule can be used at any speed to help you:
15. If not contracted by a “No turn on Red” sign,
A: Time.
假如您對歐美大學生申請書翻譯社英文論文寫作,英語MBA論文,英文碩,博士論文,Assignment有問題請致http://www.china-doll.org美國駕駛執照考題Sample Questions of Written Test for Driver License
A: Open country driving.
5. 1 & ½ ounces of 86 proof of liquor contains the same amount of alcohol as:
2. The shape of a Yield sign is:
A: Go when safe.
4. At the time of your road test you must present:
A: Within the distance you can see ahead.
A: A fine, suspension of your driving privileges, and mandatory 45 days jail sentence.
A: Stop before entering the intersection if possible.
21. On a 2 lane road not near a school, when a school bus has stopped and its lights are flashing:
20. If you are arrested for drunk driving in N.J.翻譯社 your chances of being convicted are:
A: Shift to lower gear and pump the brakes.
17. High bean lights are used for:
A: Farm registered vehicles for agricultural purposes only.
10. The best way to reduce your chances of having an alcohol related accident is to:
9. Implied Consent Law means:
8. If a person has been drinking翻譯社 which of the following can sober them up:
7. Studies show that the greatest number of people arrested for drunk driving have been drinking:
6. If a person get drunk in your home and has a motor vehicle accident, after leaving your home you could:
A: Beer.
A: Not drive at all after drinking.
A: 2 seconds behind the vehicle in front of you.
A: Keep a safe following distance.
16. The
29. Which of the following drinks contains about the highest alcohol content:
A: You must stop.
27. If you refuse to take a breath test and it is your first offense翻譯社 the penalty is:
19. If your brakes suddenly give out翻譯社 the first thing you should try to do is:
A: Triangle.
25. When nearing a steady yellow or amber traffic signal, you should:
A. Become involved in a Lawsuit.
A: The driver ahead is turning left and there is a proper lane on the right.
A: An advisory notice upon being convicted of their first moving violation翻譯社 mandatory attendance at a driver education program in place of suspension for second violation-resulting in 4 or more points, also any violation after attending school will result in suspension.
A: 76%.
18. After driving through a deep puddle you should immediately:
A: On request of a police officer you agree to take a breath test to determine Blood Alcohol Content.
A: A valid vehicle registration permit, insurance, ID翻譯社 Examination permit. (the answer is “above all is right”)
A: Slow down before entering the curve.
A: 0.10%
A: Not less than $250 or more than $500 fine, 6 months license suspension and complete an Alcohol Screening and Evaluation Program at a country Intoxicated Resource center.
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